Propeller Group is raising money for the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Christmas Appeal this year. Well, who needs more Secret Santa socks or books?
And we need your help – not just to donate £5, £10 or £20 – but to dream up questions to be included in the “Propeller GOSH Media and Advertising Quiz”
All you have to do is:
- Go to the Propeller Group JustGiving page in support of GOSH
- Make a donation (at least £5 please!)
- In the box for your message, write in a trivia quiz question about the world of media and advertising.
Think of a question that people will be able to answer after a bit of head-scratching… but please don’t write in the answer as that would give the game away too early! (If you need some inspiration, see the questions building up on our JustGiving page already)
You can enter more than one question… as long as you donate more than once!
The deadline for entering your quiz question is 12.00 GMT on 20th December.
The Propeller team will choose the best questions, check the answers, add in a few tricky ones of our own and then create the full “Propeller GOSH Media and Advertising Quiz” as a website and online event in the coming weeks. And we’ll invite everyone who donates to take part… plus a few more carefully chosen contacts.
And we’ve twisted the arms of our bosses here and got them to match all the donations we get up to £500 with a donation from the Propeller Group piggy bank!
So help us raise a grand for GOSH kids this Christmas and start thinking up your media and advertising trivia quiz questions! Donate and add them here.
The Propeller Group team wish all our clients and contacts a restorative Christmas break and a Happy New Year.