New for 2020 – Propeller and Upfront launch Digital Content-led offer to help clients generate better quality sales leads from their marketing campaigns
Start the new decade as you mean to go on – filling your new business pipeline with leads generated by an integrated, high impact, business development campaign.
New for 2020, Propeller Group’s lead generation arm, Upfront Business Development, has created a comprehensive digital content-led offer for companies in the marketing services and technology sectors.
The package includes:
- development of a highly targeted database
- production of quarterly downloadable digital reports
- landing page and social activity to drive downloads
- distribution of digital reports by email campaigns to key prospects
- creation of two supporting articles to promote key insights from the report via owned channels and LinkedIn
- content awareness driven by email and social activity
The new offer from Propeller and Upfront has been launched in response to increased demand from our clients and industry contacts for more digital marketing content to power business development programmes.
In a crowded, competitive market you need to find new, creative ways of standing out and keeping top of mind with the decision-maker prospects that you want to reach and engage with. We can help you create digital content that your audience wants to read, watch or listen to, utilising a variety of channels and formats from blogs and e‑books to video, podcasts, and LinkedIn. And we can help you get this content in front of the right audience to help drive your sales pipeline in 2020.
To find out more or set up a meeting get in touch at newbiz@propellergroup.com.
Sharpening Business Development for the year ahead – have you downloaded our 2020 Vision Guide?
Propeller Group, Upfront and The BD100 have developed this guide which lays out the essential themes and trends business developers should bear in mind as they prepare for 2020 and beyond. It includes useful benchmarking data from agency peers survey results, plus insights, observations and advice from experts in the field, including members of the latest BD100 and contributions from Edit, ENGINE, Iris, VCCP and Wunderman Thompson.
Click here to download the full 2020 Vision Report.