We are proud to announce on Earth Day that we have partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain to offset our carbon footprint. We’ve pledged to ensure that our impact on the environment is lessened and our business becomes more sustainable.
We plant 20 trees each month in sustainable projects around the world and the benefits of this include:
- Direct Carbon Offsetting – absorbing CO2, releasing oxygen and storing carbon in their mass.
- Reducing Global Warming – reversing the uerban heat island effect by reflecting sunlight and providing shade.
- Creating Employment, education and infrastructure in underdeveloped regions with reforestation and land management projects.
- Helping Wildife and our ecosystem in globally significant biodiversity hotspots such as the Amazon Rainforest, Australian Bushland and other tropical rainforests.
Climate change isn’t just for one day, it’s for every day, and we will continue to post our carbon neutral updates throughout the year.