Propeller PR and Upfront Business Development held a PR and Business Development Masterclass at the Charlotte Street hotel where we offered advice and guidance to agencies looking to boost their own marketing and new business activities. Anna Burns, Managing Partner of Ogilvy UK, opened the event with some relevant remarks as she challenged the sales professionals to make sure their new business strategy was planned in detail for 2019 with regular actions diarised for each month.
Separated into four tables, the attendees then shared their thoughts with facilitators on distinct categories focused on growing revenues. Topics covered during the breakfast were ‘building your agency brand in a competitive market’, ‘creating content that moves the dial for business growth’, ‘the key components to a successful new business plan’ and ‘how to build and maintain strong client relationship’.
Sessions were chaired by Ben Titchmarsh, Director of Business Development and Partnerships, Propeller Group; Branwell Johnson, Director of Content, Propeller Group; Jody Osman, Founder and Managing Director, Upfront Business Development; Ian Farnfield, Consultant, Tonic Business Consultancy.
Thank you to everyone who attended and we look forward to catching up on your new business success soon.