Simply tweet the photo above or retweet our original tweet here with #Wallflowers and your caption to enter. Tweets must include #Wallflowers and be tweeted by Friday 17th March or they will not be included in the competition. See our own effort here.
What are they talking about?
In the run-up to our Wallflowers At The Orgy panel at Ad Week Europe 2017, Propeller is giving you the chance to win a bottle of Champagne! All you have to do is fill in the blanks.
What is this journalist saying to his friend in this Roman painting?
We will be rewarding creativity, humour and those who can make it relevant to the world of PR and advertising. The more pun-filled the better!
Good luck!
Time: 2.30pm
Date: March 21st
Venue: Workshop Stage, PictureHouse Central,
And look out for an update on Propeller’s second Ad Week Europe panel Can Robots Crash The Creative Party?