How to Win on LinkedIn – Propeller x LinkedIn Masterclass 

LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world. It has over a billion users, and nearly 70 million businesses have pages. 

Which is why it has become a vital pillar of B2B marketing strategies. Research shows that 96% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn, with 80% advertising on the platform. The platform is a pillar of lead generation for brands agencies – but how do you make your voice heard in this bustling professional community?

Propeller’s Chief Growth Officer, Jody Osman, and Sopna Nair, Principal Education Lead at LinkedIn, hosted a masterclass exploring “How to Win on LinkedIn”. 

Whether you’re aiming to elevate your personal brand or generate leads, read on to learn the tactics that are setting businesses apart. 

Best Practices

Understanding Audience Needs

“Content sits at the heart of marketing,” opened Sopna Nair. “And great content begins with understanding your audience’s needs. What is going to make your target audience stop scrolling and pay attention?”. 

LinkedIn users engage with content that addresses their challenges, interests and what they care about. Therefore, businesses should focus on creating content that is relevant to their audience. What are your audience’s biggest challenges? What topics are they interested in? How can your expertise and unique perspective address their needs?

Leveraging Expertise and Credibility

Content and credibility are a powerful mix. Sopna explained how leveraging these qualities allows brands, agencies and people to stand out on LinkedIn. 

“What do you know about your industry? What do you believe about the future? What is your company doing? Your LinkedIn content should showcase your expertise and credibility – or that of your company or colleagues”.

Users are interested in opinions on industry news, trends, and best practices from credible sources. Sharing your experiences, lessons learned, and advice can help build a connection with your audience. Additionally, providing insights into your company’s culture and achievements can offer a behind-the-scenes look that engages users.

The Importance of Balance and Consistency 

Balance is key in content creation. Your content should cover three main areas: industry insights, personal experiences and company updates.

Sopna noted that a balanced strategy is only effective when it is applied consistently. “Regular posting is essential; businesses are encouraged to post at least four times a week to double engagement.”. 

“Completing your LinkedIn page with all relevant information is also crucial, as complete pages receive 30% more views. Using LinkedIn Page Analytics can help you understand what content works best and where to focus your efforts.”. 

Creating Compelling Content

The session forward to focus on the art of creating effective content through LinkedIn’s many formats. 

“When creating content for LinkedIn, clarity and brevity are paramount,” Sopna explained. 

“Sponsored content, in particular, should have succinct copy—less than 150 characters per post. It’s important to have a clear call-to-action (CTA) that guides your audience on what to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, downloading a document, or watching a video.”.

Utilising Different Ad Formats

LinkedIn offers various ad formats that can be tailored to your marketing goals:

  • Single Image Ads: These are ideal for engaging customers at the start of their buyer’s journey. They should be visually appealing and include clear CTAs.
  • Video Ads: These should capture attention within the first few seconds, as they autoplay on mute. Using subtitles can enhance engagement.
  • Carousel Ads: These allow you to tell a brand story through multiple cards. Each card can have its own CTA, making it a versatile format for showcasing different aspects of your brand.
  • Document Ads: These enable you to promote documents directly within the LinkedIn feed. This format is great for sharing reports or eBooks without redirecting users to another site.
  • Dynamic Ads: Personalised ads that adapt based on the user’s LinkedIn profile, mainly used on desktop.

“But whatever you do – remember that creativity is the single biggest driver of campaign effectiveness,” Sopna summarised. “We remember emotions better than we remember facts.”. 

Content that resonates emotionally with users tends to be more memorable. Whether it’s humour, inspirational stories, or relatable challenges, emotional content helps build stronger connections. Celebrating employee achievements or showcasing company culture can also enhance engagement by highlighting the human side of a business.

Strategies for Maximising Engagement

Show up regularly 

LinkedIn research shows that those posting 4 x a week see a 2x lift in engagement. Jody Osman added: “Make sure you are sharing regular content with themes aligned to your expertise. By providing real value and insight you will help encourage people to share beyond your existing network.”

Blending Organic and Paid Strategies

An effective LinkedIn strategy combines both organic and paid efforts. Audiences exposed to both are 61% more likely to convert compared to those who only see paid content. 

Leveraging Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing isn’t just for B2C companies; it’s highly effective for B2B as well. Working with industry influencers can significantly boost brand recall and engagement. Influencers bring credibility and trust, which are crucial during economic downturns when businesses are more cautious with their spending.

Utilising Thought Leadership

“Thought leadership is a powerful tool for building brand equity. By sharing unique insights and expert opinions, you can position your company as a leader in your industry.”.

LinkedIn’s Thought Leader Ads allow businesses to sponsor posts from their thought leaders, providing a credible and authentic voice that resonates with the audience.

Engaging Through Targeted Ads

Understanding your target audience is key to successful advertising on LinkedIn. You can specify attributes such as job functions, seniority, industry, and interests to tailor your ads. Using LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager, you can track the performance of your ads and adjust your strategy to maximise effectiveness.

Jody highlighted the impact that taking a personalised approach can have on the effectiveness of your advertising: “It’s important to segment your targeting to maximise impact and ensure your ads are relevant. We’ve found calling out the job title you are promoting to in the copy can be an effective way to drive leads. For example, an ad specifically calling out ‘media planners’ has been one of our top-performing ads.”

Fostering a Sense of Community

“Building a community on LinkedIn involves more than just sharing content. It’s about fostering a sense of belonging and engagement”.

Sopna outlined how highlighting employee stories, celebrating milestones, and sharing user-generated content can strengthen community ties. “Additionally, using distinctive assets that reflect your brand’s identity can help you stand out.”.

Winning on LinkedIn requires a strategic approach that combines best practices, compelling content creation, and effective engagement strategies. 

By understanding your audience, leveraging different content formats, and fostering emotional connections, businesses can build a strong presence on LinkedIn and achieve their marketing goals.

Want to learn more about how B2B businesses grow through LinkedIn? Download our Marketing for Growth Playbook.

You can watch the full session below.