Navigating the Seas of Social Media: Strategies for Agency Growth

There’s a saying for business prospecting that you should “fish where the fish are” – and vast shoals of fish have been swimming around social media in recent years making it a hugely important pool to explore.

Social media platforms offer a huge opportunity to connect with relevant audiences, build brand awareness and drive leads via exciting inbound marketing programmes.

Why? Because increasingly decision-makers are pro-actively using it to research potential partners and solution providers – or are regularly reviewing the content on these platforms for useful insights and case studies that can help with their own business strategies and career growth.

LinkedIn hit an impressive one billion users at the tail end of last year and that number will contain a great number of potential business leads. For agencies looking to expand their client base and showcase their expertise, having a strong presence on social media is crucial. 

Gail Moody-Byrd, Vice President of Marketing at LinkedIn, believes that with decision-makers taking a more active role and seeking information the platform is an important tool, She said: “It can empower sales and marketing professionals to navigate the rapidly evolving buyer and seller landscape. Harnessing LinkedIn’s insights equips sellers with the necessary intelligence to engage meaningfully and effectively within brief windows of influence, ensuring relevance in every interaction.”

Social media is still relatively young – it’s only 17 years ago that Facebook unveiled Facebook ads – so businesses are still learning the best approaches and tactics. There’s plenty of useful advice on harnessing the full potential of social media to market your business and thrive in our 2024 Agency Playbook – some of the key guidance is summarised below.

Crafting a Winning Social Media Strategy

Simply being present on social media isn’t enough. To truly stand out, agencies need to develop a comprehensive social media strategy that aligns with their business objectives.

This means identifying the right platforms to focus on, creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience, and leveraging the latest tools and techniques to maximise your reach and impact. Katy Howell, CEO of Immediate Future, shared her insights with us and said: “Identify who your audience is, their preferred social media platforms, and their motivations for engaging with your content. Avoid the pitfall of treating all prospects identically.”

Emarketer data from 2023 offers a good snapshot of the social media platforms B2B marketers and their clients used with LinkedIn the most common.

But the platforms can play distinct roles depending on your strategy. One of the lessons of the last few years is that people’s professional and personal lives are coming closer together and they demonstrate the same behaviours in both – as Katy points out, B2B audiences are increasingly found on platforms traditionally associated with B2C, such as Meta channels and TikTok. She says: “This trend underscores the importance of strategic presence on diverse platforms to capture attention and create impactful memories.”

The Power of Thought Leadership on Social Media

If you want to drive engagement You have to have something useful or entertaining to say. Meaningful, relevant thought leadership will differentiate your agency and reinforce your positioning in the market. By sharing valuable insights, trends, and best practices on social media, you gain a reputation as a trusted authority in your field.

While organic reach is important, paid advertising on social media can boost your agency’s visibility and amplify your content reach significantly. For instance, with targeted ads on LinkedIn, you can reach the right audience, at the right time, with the right message.

At the heart of social media success lies community building. By fostering meaningful connections with your audience, engaging in conversations, and providing value, you can turn followers into loyal advocates for your brand.

Download our Comprehensive Social Media Playbook

Ready to take your agency’s social media game to the next level? Our 2024 Agency Playbook is your ultimate guide to mastering social media and a whole lot more. Packed with actionable insights, real-world examples, and expert tips, it’s a must-read for any agency looking to thrive in the digital age. Download your copy today. If you are looking to go fishing, you’ll find everything here to pull in potential clients, hook, line and sinker.