Propeller presents a pair of insightful panels for Ecommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing

Is the metaverse still much ado about nothing?
And how is the cost-of-living crunch going to impact online retail in this crucial final quarter?
Propeller has put together two panel sessions at the forthcoming co-located live shows Ecommerce Expo & Technology for Marketing to explore these questions.
Propeller’s Director of Content, Branwell Johnson, will be moderating a panel in The Future of Digital Marketing Theatre called Things will only get meta – or will they? Is the metaverse a useful channel or a genuine gamechanger?
Gartner’s latest iteration of its Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies places the metaverse in the foothills leading to the ‘Peak Of Inflated Expectations’. With the help of expert panellists, including Oliver Shayer from Boots, Seb Bardin from Unilever and Graham Wilson from Bensons For Beds, we will try to cut through some of the hype to assess its current and future value as a marketing and commerce channel.
And in The Digital Customer Theatre, Propeller’s Practice Director, Commerce,Will Parrott, will chair a panel with the eye-watering title Ouch! Right in the wallet … How to deal with a cost-of-living Christmas crunch.
The session will explore the realities commerce players face this festive season in winning orders from hard-pressed consumers and reducing their own rising costs. The panel features former Chief Executive of Jack Wills and Group Trading Director at Debenhams Suzanne Harlow and other industry representatives.

The details
Ecommerce Expo/Technology for Marketing takes place at Excel, London
28th September at 14:25 pm The Digital Customer Theatre: Ouch! Right in the wallet … How to deal with a cost-of-living Christmas crunch
29th September at 12:55 pm The Future of Digital Marketing Theatre: Things will only get meta – or will they? Is the metaverse a useful channel or a genuine gamechanger?
Register for a free pass for either show here